EuroEd Foundation has a portfolio of over 100 national and international projects successfully implemented .
We are proud of our Secondary School students who have qualified for the county level of a Mathematics Competition.
Congratulations to our Year 5 students:
- Luca Atasiei
- Mark Bărbieru
- Alexandru Caraiman
- Robert Ciobanu
- Daniel Cozma
- Aron David
- Delia Diaconu
Congratulations to our Year 6 students:
- Teodor Ciobanu
- Robert Gherghel
Taught by Marius Pașa
Together with a representative of the Chinese embassy and the directors of the Confucius Institute Bucharest, parents, teachers and students, we launched Confucious Class EuroEd. This title recognises EuroEd’s efforts in actively promoting the Chinese Language and Culture in the community. We continued the day with our traditional China Gala.
Vă puteți înscrie la cursurile de limbi străine – Engleză, Franceză, Germană, Italiană, Spaniolă și Chineză, organizate de EuroEd.
Cursurile intensive de limbi străine se finalizează cu susținerea unui examen validat de o comisie desemnată de către Autoritatea Națională de Calificări.
Curs Engleză
Curs Franceză
Curs Germană
Curs Italiană
Curs Spaniolă
Curs Chineză
Luni, 13 iunie 2016 vă așteptam la baza sportivă a Universității Agronomice „Ion Ionescu de la Brad“, Iaşi, alături de peste 100 de elevi de la clase primare până la liceu, profesori, studenți, părinți pentru a participa la competiții sportive – fotbal, volei, badminton, fotbal abilități individuale și gimnastică unificată. Evenimentul este organizat în cadrul proiectului european Not Only Fair Play (Erasmus+ Sport - 557089 EPP1-2014-IT-SPO-SCP) care își propune stimularea practicării sportului în școli ca mijloc de promovare a incluziunii sociale și a egalității de șanse (
EuroEd Foundation is tendering for an external evaluator for NON FOR LESL project. Please find here the Terms of reference .Interested individuals should submit a narrative proposal and a cost proposal to Oana Mihoci (, Project Coordinator at EuroEd, no later than July 17, 2015.
Proiectie de film si dezbatere pe tema evenimentului.
Cladirea Fcultatii de Bioinginerie Medicala, et 2, sala A2.
Str. Kogalniceanu nr 9-13, Iasi (langa liceul Eminescu)
Eveniment organizat in cadrul proiectului My Story - creating an ICT-based inter-generational learning environment
(Project no. 511641-LLP-1-2010-1-RO-KA3-KA3MP)
Selectia femeilor care s-au inscris la vizitia de studiu in Italia, Florenta - 16 - 21 Aprilie 2012 - Etapa finala
Fundatia EuroEd si echipa proiectului "Sanse egale si respect pentru femeile din Regiunile Nord Est si Centru" anunta incheierea ultimei etape a selectiei pentru schimbul de experienta in Italia, la Florenta, care se va desfasura in perioada 16 - 21 Aprilie 2012.
In urma testului la limba italiana si a interviului final au fost selectate, in ordinea descrescatoare a mediei, 10 de persoane care vor participa la vizita de studiu pe tema aprofundarii limbii si culturii italiene si a schimbului de experienta pe tema egalitatii de sanse si de gen in Italia, Florenta.
Lista rezultatelor finale poate fi consultata aici.
Echipa de proiect transmite tuturor participantelor sincere felicitari si multumeste pentru interesul fata de proiectul POSDRU 62900 " Sanse egale si respect pentru femeile din Regiunile Nord Est si Centru" si implicarea in activitatile organizate in cadrul acestui proiect.
Realizează și trimite un film de 5 - 10 minute
pe adresa
și ești automat înscris în concursul
Friends, Freunde, Amis
Teme propuse pentru tema 2 – comunicare orala, joc de rol
1. La biblioteca
2. La medic
3. La piata
4. La aniversare
5. La librarie
6. O dupa-amiaza in parc
7. Cum ne pregatim pentru vacant
8. La cinema
9. Prima zi de scoala
10. La restaurant
- Candidații își vor alege una dintre limbile de circulație internațională engleză, franceză sau germană la înscrierea în concurs. Candidații vor pregăti, în perechi (formate pe grupe de vârstă), un scurt joc de rol, prin tragere la sorți a uneia dintre temele propuse de organizatori. Perechile se vor forma înaintea începerii probei.
Fundația EuroEd are deosebita plăcere de a vă invita să participați la Conferința de lansare a proiectului "Îmbunățirea capacității de ocupare în Regiunea Nord Est", cod POSDRU/99/5.1/G/77970, care va avea loc pe data de 05.07.2011, ora 10.30, în Sala Roma a Hotelului RAMADA din Iași, Strada Grigore Ureche nr. 27.
Proiectul este implementat de Fundația EuroEd Iași, pe parcursul a 24 de luni, începând cu data de 01.01.2011 și este finanțat prin POSDRU 2007 – 2013, prin Axa prioritară 5 „Promovarea măsurilor active de ocupare”, Domeniul major de intervenție 5.1 „Dezvoltarea și implementarea măsurilor active de ocupare”.
Vă așteptăm!
Camera de Comerț și Industrie Iași Fundația EuroEd
Paul Butnariu Anca Colibaba
Președinte în exercițiu Președinte Executiv
KA3 – ICT Project
My Story - creating an ICT-based inter-generational learning environment
(No. 511641-LLP-1-2010-1-RO-KA3-KA3MP)
for the selection of the project external evaluator
Subject: Invitation to Tender for a Contract to provide services of “External Evaluation” for the EU Funded Project My Story - creating an ICT-based inter-generational learning environment, acronym MyStory.
1. EuroEd Foundation - Romania intends to commission a contract for the provision of external evaluation services for the project MyStory.
MyStory is a KA3 ICT (No. 511641-LLP-1-2010-1-RO-KA3-KA3MP) coordinated by EuroEd Foundation, Iasi – Romania (contract No. 2010 - 4592 / 001 - 001) and implemented in the period 01Jan 2011 – 31 Dec 2013 in partnership with Directia Generala de Asistenta Sociala si Protectia Copilului (RO), Soros International House (LT), Slovenian Federation of Pensioners' Organizations (SI), DHE Solutions Ltd. (UK), Context Learning (FI).
MyStory (MS) addresses an increasing imbalance within the aging European population. Access to, and understanding of internet technology is becoming more polarized, with many older people not being able to take advantage of the many benefits it can offer. This leaves many seniors - who already have to cope with a higher threat of marginalization – even more isolated, struggling to find a dignified role in society and to cope with the inevitable change. On the other hand, provided that it is used in the right context, the growth of the internet and the emergence of modern networked societies have created new interaction and collaboration opportunities, irrespective of physical distance. Younger generations grow up in a society impacted by massive amounts of information and media. They become proficient in the use of the Internet and of ICT applications from an early age, a valuable aspect which the MyStory partnership will employ in order to bridge the "digital divide" between generations.
MyStory develops an ICT-based solution to: empower seniors to learn basic technical skills via intergenerational learning, to gain access to new learning opportunities and make contact with different social categories facing the risk of social exclusion (i.e. internet-savvy younger generations who face a risk of exclusion due to overexposure to ICT) by collecting min. 120 stories + adjacent worksheets in EN & partner lgs, 3 training kits for ~ 200 direct end users(seniors, youth & elder home staff); envisaged indirect beneficiaries include ~ 200 orgs and 2000 stakeholders in Europe.
The partnership is made up of institutions with experience in the field of content development for both online and offline use, and all the partners involved successfully took part in previous European projects, having thus experience in managing both the transfer of innovation and best practices, as well as the valorisation. Many partners are part of national of trans-national active networks in the training sector, thus ensuring the successful implementation of the projects aims and objectives.
The project duration is as follows:
- starting date: 01January 2011
- conclusion date: 31 December 2013
2. The responsibilities of the external evaluator will be be to evaluate the implementation of the project according to the activity plan (and Gantt chart), the appropriate execution of tasks and the quality of results and deliverables foreseen. The evaluator will liaise with the internal evaluator and project partners, social partners and direct project beneficiaries for the evaluation process; and will collaborate with subcontracted experts. The evaluator will analyze, recommend improvements and validate the final methodologies and materials elaborated by the project. The evaluator also will co-validate the kit functionality and appropriateness by consultation with the beneficiaries and will negotiate with the internal evaluator and fairly divide the work in connection to the enhancement of the relevance of project contents and processes. The evaluator will identify potential weaknesses of the project, as well as room for improvement, when and if applicable. The general methodological framework for evaluation identifies it as an ongoing process integrated in the project throughout its duration. The approach will be both formative, in order to concentrate on ways of improving the project while it is still being implemented, and summative, i.e. a formal evaluation at the middle of the project implementation and after the conclusion of the project with a view to assessing its overall effectiveness.
3. The external evaluator will have to produce two reports throughout the project’s eligibility period:
a. Interim Evaluation Report. Its goal shall be to assess the project implementation during its first year, integrating feedback from core partners and the extended network of associated partners. This report will outline results achieved, potential setbacks and threats and will make recommendations for the solutions of problem and mitigations of threats. The external evaluation interim report will be delivered by the end of month 18 (June 2012).
b. Final Evaluation Report. The report will provide summative evaluation, by assessing the overall performance and efficiency of the Partnership and of the products and other project deliverables. The role of the Final Report consists in fully documenting all the results and will focus on the processes employed to attain the envisaged results, also will make suggestions with regard to extending project actions and activities beyond the founded life of the project. The report will highlight the project’s strengths and weaknesses and will identify examples of good practices. The Final Evaluation Report will be delivered by the end month 36 (December 2013).
All communication takes place in English. Also, all deliverables are produced in English.
4. The external evaluator is obliged to participate in at least two project meetings. The costs related to the participation in these two meetings (travel and subsistence) will be covered by the external evaluator from the money subcontracted from the project for the external evaluation.
The contract to the tender will be awarded offering best value for money, that is to say, to the tender offering the best price-quality ratio, in compliance with the principles of transparency and equal treatment for potential contractors, care being taken to avoid any conflict of interests.
Tenderer’s attention is drawn to the conditions relating to the tender price. The most competitive tender (i.e. the lowest bid for the provision of the services described under this call for tender corraborated with the ratio quality-results) will be selected. The ratio price-quality will be in the frame 25% quality and 75% the money requested for the work. Tenderers must comply with the following:
o prices must be fixed and non-indexed and not subject to any change for the whole duration of the contract.
o prices must be expressed in Euro.
5. The Contract shall run from the date of signature until the 31st of December 2013, with a 6 month extension possibility. However, the External Evaluator undertakes to provide any detailed information within 5 years after the final project installment is awarded by EACEA, including information in electronic format, requested by the Coordinator, by the Agency and/or the Commission or by any other outside body authorised by the Agency and/or by the Commission to check that the action and the provisions of the agreement are being properly implemented.
6. Participants in the Tender must provide evidence of:
a. Evidence of evaluation expertise in international project evaluation a defined learning outcomes.
b. Evidence of robust change management capacity with defined competences in conflict resolution, mediation skills and group dynamics in contexts of strategic development.
c. established academic track record in terms of publications and presentations
d. defined expertise in demonstrated understanding of diversity, equality and effective social inclusion measures.
7. The Tenders submitted by the candidates for the external evaluator position must include the following:
a. the articles of constitution (legal status officially registered at the setting up) of the legal entity subcontracted include a component of expertise/activity in the field of evaluation/project management consultancy.
b. proofs that the legal entity can prove that similar work in English (in terms of evaluation/consultancy and of a value equal or exceeding 10,000 EUR has been done before in the last 3 years. Two types of proofs will be expected here: 1-2 copies of previous contracts; 1-2 letters of reference from previous contractors.
c. the administrative official proof that the legal entity has all national taxes fuly paid.
d. Expert’s Curriculum Vitae (showing a certain degree of expertise / previous experience in at least three of the following areas: the academic programs, european innovative learning projects, organizational structure and performance, policy reviews, distance and e-learning quality)
e. Financial breakdown for the external evaluation services described in the present call (it must also include the VAT)
8. Interested candidates are asked to submit their tender within 8 days from the date it is made public – until 18.05.2011. They may do this
a) by registered letter (date as postmarked or the day of the deposit slip of courier companies) to the following postal address:
EuroEd Foundation
1C Florilor Street
Iasi 700513
(Invitation to Tender for a Contract to provide services of External Evaluation for the EU Funded Project “MyStory”
For the Attention of Prof. Dr Cristina Anca Colibaba)
Note: All interested candidates planning to submit the tender envelope by registered mail must also notify their intention to participate in the tender by e-mail within the deadline presented above at the following address: (Subject: Participation in the Call for Tender for the MyStory EU project).
b) by hand (directly or through an authorized representative), within 8 days from the date the tender was made public, at the following address:
EuroEd Foundation
1C Florilor Street
Iasi 700513
(Invitation to Tender for a Contract to provide services of External Evaluation for the EU Funded Project “MyStory”
For the Attention of Prof. Dr Cristina Anca Colibaba)
9. Presentation of the Tender
The envelope containing the tender must bear the caption
Restricted Call for Tender
(Name and Address of Tenderer)
The Tender must be signed and submitted in accordance with the specific requirements of the invitation to tender, within the deadline laid down.
10. Requests for supplementary information can be sent to EuroEd Foundation by 13.05.2011 at or at 0040 232 252850. They will be answered no later than 16.05.2011.
11. By submitting a tender, tenderers shall accept the terms and conditions of this call for tender.
12. The tender can be drawn up in any official language of the European Union. In this case, the tender must be translated to English or Romanian.
13. Romanian Law shall apply to the Contract resulting from this invitation to tender.
Dr. Anca Cristina Colibaba
MyStory Project Coordinator
EuroEd Foundation
The goal of this conference thread is to explore newopportunities and innovations in the field of technology-enhanced languagelearning, in particular Language Learning for supporting migration processes.
Technologies are an essential part ofrecent language learning programs. Using podcasts for practicing listening,using social networks for collaboration amongst students, using different typesof learning objects are just some examples of the technology support.
The main goal of this conference thread is to bringtogether different stakeholders involved in migration processes, such aslanguage teachers, policy makers, migration support services and users.
The conference thread will focus on (but is notlimited to) three key topics
1. Technology Support for LanguageTeachers
2. Quality and Evaluation of LanguageLearning Teaching: The goal of this track is to discuss different qualitystrategies and instruments as well asstandards and user centered approaches (e.g. using rankings, recommendationsystems, user guides)
3. User experiences in Migration andMobility Settings:
a. User needs of an immigrating workforce: agronomists
b. Teachers mobility
Potential sub-topics include (but are not limited to):
· WWW and educational uses for languageteachers,
· Preparing, uploading and sharinglanguage learning resources,
· How to design language learning unitsusing e-Learning methods & tools
· How interactive language learningexercises can be designed and implemented using Web2.0 tools
· Case studies for teachingprofessionals (e.g. IT professionals, agricultural professionals)
· Cultural aspects of learning processes
· Mobility and migration support
The track is organized by the projectLaProf. LaProf is a Multilateral Project that aims to promote languageawareness to immigrating workforces in two sectors: ICT and agriculture. Themain goal is to provide access to language learning resources that will helpfamiliarize candidate immigrants with the terminology and cultural issues intheir sectors through developing and disseminating language learning exercises.
Forfurther information, please contact:
Madalina Ungur,
Cezar Vrinceanu,
Jan Pawlowski, Jyväskylä University,Finland
Yannis Livieratos, Mediterranean Agronomic Institute of Chania (MAICh), Greece
Cezar Vrinceanu, EuroEd, Romania
15.07.2010 Submissionof abstracts (max. 500 words)
30.09.2010 Submissionof final papers
For more information, please see
The 3rd edition of the “ICT for LanguageLearning” conference has the aim to promote and share good practice andtransnational cooperation in the field of the application of ICT to languagelearning and training.
The conference is also an excellent opportunity for the presentation ofprevious and current language learning projects funded by the EuropeanCommission and by other sources.
Florence, Italy
11 - 12 November, 2010
For more information, see
The 3rd edition of the International Language Conference on New Technologies for Language Learning and Teaching will take place in Florence 11 – 12 November 2010
The third edition of the International Language Conference on ICT for Language Learning and Teaching will be organised in the framework of the LeTS GO project. The language conference will take place in Florence on 11 -12 November, 2010.
The aim is to promote the sharing of good practice and transnational cooperation in the field of the application of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) to Language Learning and Teaching. The language conference will also be an excellent opportunity for the presentation of previous and current projects and innovative initiatives in the field of languages.
The language conference focuses on the following topics:
• Innovative teaching and learning methodologies
• Languages for business and vocational purposes
• ICT based language teaching solutions
• Integrating e-learning in classroom based teaching
• Collaborative learning
• CLIL, Content and Language Integrated Learning
The Call for Papers is addressed to teachers and experts as well as to coordinators of projects and initiatives.
Two presentation typologies are available for the language conference:
• Oral Presentations
Each presentation will last for 15 minutes
A pc with Microsoft power point and video projector will be made available to all speakers. For other technical requirements please contact the language conference organisers by sending an e-mail to
• Poster Presentations
The language conference organisers will provide materials for displaying posters during the event. Authors will be able to make face to face presentations during the poster sessions.
In order to present a paper or a poster during the language conference it is necessary to submit an abstract of a paper or of a poster. The abstract should be written in English (300 – 500 words) and sent via e-mail to no later than 25 June 2010.
Full-length papers should be written in English (max 2500 words) and sent in Word format (using the template below) via e-mail to the following address: A template for paper is available at the following web page:
Important dates
• 25 June 2010: Deadline for submitting abstracts
• 9 July 2010: Notification of Acceptance / Rejection
• 1 October 2010: Deadline for final submission of papers
• 1 October 2010: Deadline for registration
• 11 - 12 November 2010: Dates of language conference
On the web site the following information are available:
• the objectives
• the organisational committee
• the fees
• the 1st edition of this language conference
• the 2nd edition of this language conference
For further information about the language conference, please do not hesitate to contact us or to visit the web site conference:
Ca recunoaștere a implementării cu succes a proiectului ALL: Invățarea Autonomă a Limbilor Străine, Fundației EuroEd i s-a decernat o nouăƒ distincție European Label de către Agenția Națională pentru Programe Comunitare în Domeniul Educației și Formării Profesionale, România.
Aceasta este a 4 distincție European Label primită de Fundația EuroEd, după cele din 2002, 2004 și 2007 pentru succesul înregistrat în implementarea unor proiecte cu o tematică similară și este o recunoaștere a eficienței strategiei instituției de cultivare a inovației și de folosire a tehnologiilor moderne de comunicare în sprijinul învățării limbilor străine.
European Label - Certificatul European pentru proiecte din domeniul predării și învățării limbilor străine - este o inițiativă a Comisiei Europene care își propune să evidențieze și să recompenseze cele mai inovatoare și creative proiecte din acest domeniu. Lansată în anul 1998 în țările membre ale Uniunii Europene, acțiunea s-a bucurat de un real succes, fapt ce a determinat Comisia Europeană să o extindă și în țările aflate în curs de aderare la acea vreme, în România fiind prezentă din anul 2002.
Proiectelor selecționate li se decernează un certificat semnat de Comisarul European pentru Educație, Formare, Cultură și Multilingvism, și de Ministrul Educației, Cercetarii, Tineretului și Sportului din România.
Pentru o descriere detaliată a proiectului ALL: Invățarea Autonomă a Limbilor Străine vă invităm să accesați adresa De asemenea, o descriere a proiectelor premiate este publicată pe pagina web a Agenției Naționale (