Website: -
The project is developed under the auspices of the Erasmus program, KA2 - Cooperation for innovation and exchange of good practices; KA220 - Collaborative partnerships in school education
Project name: Storias
Project duration: 01.01.2022 - 31.12.2023
Reference number: 2021-1-FR01-KA220-SCH-000029483
Project partners:
Les Apprimeurs / FR
Arsakeio Primary School / GR
EuroEd / RO Primary School
Miedzynarodowa SzkolaPodstawowa EdukacjiInnowacyjnej w Lodz (SEI) / PL
LogoPsyCom / BE
Grimm Sisters / IT
The aim of the Storias project is to develop basic literacy skills for students aged 5 to 10 using writing, storytelling and creativity in an inclusive and innovative way. Specifically, by developing pedagogical resources focused on literacy, storytelling and inclusion, as well as practical tools rooted in creativity. The creativity component will have its place in the various activities organized in the project, from participatory stories to story boxes that involve multiple experiences of multisensory storytelling, which will allow children to learn through visual, kinesthetic and auditory practices.
Target group:
- children in preschool and primary education (5 - 10 years)
R1: Storyboxes - Grimm Sisters / IT
R2: Participatory stories - Logopsycom / BE
R3: Pedagogical guide - Les Apprimeurs / FR
R4: Creation Manual - Grimm Sisters / IT
R5: Implementation Guide - Logopsycom / BE