EuroEd Colibaba

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EuroEd Iasi

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EuroEd Proiecte

Fundația EuroEd Dezvoltă parteneriate strategice, inițiază abordări interdisciplinare și propune soluții inovatoare.


ZOE project

The European project entitled ZOE was funded by the European Commission in the framework of the Erasmus+ Programme, KA2 - Strategic Partnership in the field of Higher Education. This European project aims to create online teaching/learning resources in the field of veterinary medicine focusing in particular on the identification, monitoring and control of malaria and dirofilariosis.

ZOE is a European project focused on interdisciplinarity; it encompasses medicine, veterinary practice, linguistic communication in six languages, internationalisation of higher education and technology enriched education.

It deals with diseases spread from animals to humans like malaria and dirofilariosis.

 Title: Online courses with videos for the field of veterinary communication dealing with prevention, diagnosis and treatment of diseases transferable from animals to humans


Funding Programme: Erasmus+ Programme, KA2 - Strategic Partnership in the field of Higher Education

Acronym: ZOE - ZoonosesOnlineEducation

Ref. no.: 2016-1-RO01-KA203-024732

Start Date: 01.10.2016


End date:31.03.2019


Coordinator – P1: University of Veterinary Medicine Ion Ionescu de la Brad, Iasi (Romania) -

P2:University of Medicine and Pharmacy GrigoreT.Popa, Iasi (Romania) -

P3:University Alexandru Ioan Cuza, Iasi (Romania) -

P4:Fundatia EuroEd, Iasi (Romania) –

P5:University of Zagreb - Faculty of Veterinary Medicine (Croatia) -

P6:University of Applied Sciences, Vilnius (Lithuania) -

P7:Soros International House, Vilnius (Lithuania) -

P8:Istituto Zooprofilattico Sperimentale dell'Abruzzo e del Molise "G. Caporale" di Teramo (Italy) -

P9:Pixel Associazione, Florence (Italy) -


P10:Connectis, Prato (Italy) -

Target groups

Through its activities, ZOE project meet the needs of a wide variety of people:

- Lecturers, (international) students and professionals in the field of veterinary

-Lecturers, (international) students and professionals in the field of medicine (Health Care and Epidemiology)

- Teachers and future teachers, lectures and students of Pedagogy

- Public at large (pupils ages 6-12, parents)


Based on the competences and activities in which the direct mentioned target group will be involved, project will have impact in the following indirect target group also:

- Veterinary Universities, Treatment Centers

- Medical Universities, Hospitals, Clinics of epidemiology

- Health care organizations and public institutions

- Patients, families or animals owners/carers


- Volunteers in medical/veterinary field

- Pedagogy Universities


- Schools
