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EuroEd Proiecte

Fundația EuroEd Dezvoltă parteneriate strategice, inițiază abordări interdisciplinare și propune soluții inovatoare.


The G-NET project aims to promote the entrepreneurial spirit of adult learners using social media and ICT to create new e-enterprises, providing them with increased opportunities for being incorporated in the labor market in an effective way.


Number of the project: 2017-ES01-KA204-038304

Programme:Erasmus +

Action:Strategic Partnership for Adult Education





  • Creation of an “E-entrepreneurship” Training Package, containing a collection of video lessons, real case scenarios and video testimonials of successful adult learners and entrepreneurs.
  • Testing of the training package.
  • National training experiences “How to become an e-entrepreneur”, addressing adult learners and organized in each partner country.
  • International 5 days training experience in Greece, “Adopt an enterprise experience” exploiting social media and ICT.
  • International Conference on “International e-entrepreneurship” in Italy for promoting project results and activities.


The project will involve 5 institutions of 4 different European countries.

  1. Xano Channel Asociación para el Desarrollo Comunitario – SPAIN
  2. Institute of Entrepreneurship Development (IED) – GREECE
  3. EUFRAK-Euroconsults Berlin – GERMANY
  4. Fundatia EuroEd – ROMANIA
  5. Comune di Anzola dell’Emilia – ITALIA



  • Training Package created on the needs of the target groups.
  • Project website
  • Learning community
  • Teacher and students’ trainings
  • Insertion of the project results into the European adult systems
  • Entrepreneurship classroom
  • Final conference