EuroEd Colibaba

Fundația EuroEd Deține un portofoliu de peste 100 de proiecte naționale și internaționale implementate cu succes.

EuroEd Iasi

Fundația EuroEd Facilitează schimburi de experienţe, de idei noi şi de bune practici pentru dezvoltare durabilă.

EuroEd Proiecte

Fundația EuroEd Dezvoltă parteneriate strategice, inițiază abordări interdisciplinare și propune soluții inovatoare.


The Off Book project

The European project entitled Off Book was funded by the European Commission in the framework of the Erasmus+ Programme, KA2 - Strategic Partnership for school education.

Area: School and University Education

Start Date: 01.11.2017

End Date: 31.10.2019


Funding Programme: Erasmus+ Programme, KA2 Strategic partnership in the field of School Education

Project Number: 2017-1-LT01-KA201-035235

The OFF BOOK project aimsat:

-improving secondary school teachers' intercultural competences in new educational methods (non formal education) to make education less 'judgemental' and more inclusive, thus promoting non-discrimination and reducing early school leaving.

-presenting students with the opportunity to develop their soft skills towards an inclusive society

-exchanging of good practices amongst the partner countries

-setting up a transnational network of secondary schools whose cooperation will continue beyond the project life



1.    Secondary school students and teachers

2.    Experts on education and pedagogy

3.    Civil society organization in the field of theatre and drama activities

4.    Policy makers in the field of education
